10 Diet Rules You Can Break
10 Diet Rules You Can Break
There are actually diet rules out there that are meant to be broken? Yes, recently many dated diet guidelines and myths are up for speculation. Youve probably heard all these silly rules before, but experts weigh-in on the worthiness of these supposed truisms – most of which won’t help you lose weight or make dieting any easier.
10 Food Rules You Can Ignore:
1. Eating at night will pile on the pounds. The total calories you consume over a 24-hour period or over a week is what causes you to gain weight, and when you eat these calories doesn’t matter.
2. It’s best to eat at the same times every day. Eat when you’re hungry, not when the clock says it’s time to eat.
3. Dieting with a buddy always makes weight loss easier. Common goals may pay off but weight loss is a personal journey.
4. Dietary fat keeps you feeling full longer, so you’ll eat less. Fat does take longer to digest, but it will not help you control your appetite. Foods likely to fight off hunger the longest are protein foods, followed by carbohydrates, then fats.
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